Monday, January 20, 2020

The Get Home Bag Everyday Carry Items You Shouldnt Leave Home Without

If you don't have a First Aid Kit at least get good lightweight first aid kit such as theSurviveWare 16oz kit, NorthBound Train kit 11oz or the Adventure Medical .7 Kit 8oz. Getting lightweight items that are small and durable is expensive. A Spyderco G10 knife is 4.1 ounces and about $60. The Benchmade Bugout is 1.8oz and is over $110. This is almost double the price to cut the weight in a little over half. You may need to boil water, heat up food, or just stay warm while you make your way home, so make sure you have a good lighter or some other kind of fire starter.

We ended up wrapping him in a blanket to get him home, but since then we've kept an extra set of clothes available for everyone. As noted LOCATION is a big part of what you pack. Spyderco knife, the Kershaw knife or our favorite Benchmade Bugout. You should have a survival knife in your car anyway, so grab it from your car. The pocket duct tape weighs less and is a better pick if you plan to have to walk long distance. Review what it comes with, the weight and most importantly, your likely circumstances.

– Hand / Foot Warmers

Having a stash for ladies in the family or even just friends could make a big difference, and feminine pads can double as heavy gauze for a serious wound. Modify your kit to meet the area you live or travel in, whether that is with warmer clothes, or sunblock and a hat, or long underwear and mittens. Customize your bug out bag to your location, your personal and family needs, your specific medical and physical needs. If you are traveling in a car across country and sleeping in your car, weight is not a big deal. If you have to abandon your car, weight becomes a huge challenge. Everything must be lightweight, small and durable.

Box, then I wouldn’t have it in the POV when I needed it. My get home bag is with me in the car and brought in when I get home. The law in my state, and likely others with variance, is that you can only lawfully respond with equal force, and you cannot be the aggressor. As one example, as a CCW holder I will not blow the horn even if warranted.

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Fire – Firesteel, waterproof matches or a bunch of Bic Lighters, just have some way to make fire. It’s best to pack in several means to start a fire because this element can mean the difference between life and death. One fire-starting product to consider is a compact and waterproof/ windproof lighter that starts reliably in rough conditions.

These natural occurrences wait for no one, and your priority should be to seek shelter. With the limited choices you have, your best option is to head home. All things considered, you should already have a list of items in mind. For example, a pair of sturdy shoes to walk over the rubble. Go for a regular backpack if you wanna blend in, but make sure that it’s sturdy and comfortable enough to carry even long distances. Messenger bags are also an option if you wanna stay on the down-low, but they’re not the most comfortable, based on our experience.

Start Prepping

And with the levels of uncertainty during these times, terror attacks and threats could well occur in your city. That said, you need to be on your toes at all times. It could save you from all sorts of dangerous situations. The last thing you want is to walk miles in your dress shoes or heels, after all. You could use your phone to help you see at night, but it’s better not to.

Whether it’s summer or winter, some sort of hat will protect you from the sun or cold. Of course, it should comply with the rest of your clothes or you’ll get the opposite effect. When you’re going to work, you don’t need these items. You can scout all possible routes and areas between your home and the office in advance.

Hand-Crank Radio.Having a hand-crank radio will pick up weather and government alerts. The model that I have also comes with a flashlight and USB charger. Your “Get Home” bag should be 100% packed and ready to go in the event of SHTF. The biggest advantage you can have when catastrophe strikes is being one of the first to realize what’s happening.

Do you setup your get home bag for your specific outings based on how far you travel and where you are going, or do you rely on the pack-it-once-and-done approach? You might not have much time to get ready, get set and then get home when the balloon goes up. Clear instructions on what to do in a catastrophe should be stowed inside your child’s backpacks. Knowing they have needed supplies will help them to stay put until you can get to them. What is the weather like in your locale in the current season?

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My husband works 20 miles from home and is on his feet all day. I suggested a change of clothes and boots, hang wet stuff so they might dry, and sleep before starting out. I’m gonna have to hike 15 miles, about 10 miles is uphill. I’d probably do the first 5 miles right away just to get out of town. If you don’t go stainless steel, you still need a way to carry water so consider a Nalgene bottle or a collapsible water bottle, if space is tight.

get home bag checklist

Yes, I know there is no kit that will make sure you get home quickly. A get home bag is a sort of a younger sister to a bug out bag . It is a compact bag with necessary items to allow you to get home quickly and safely should disaster strike. You shouldn’t confuse it with a bug out bag as some people do. Note, after an EMP society will pretty much cave in.

The Bandana – An Underrated Bit of Survival...

We’re focusing on lightweight and small so you can’t build a full-fledged medical kit for you get home bag. However, you should add a small one like thiswith the necessary items you’ll need in a multi-day trek across your city. I have said that you only needed a couple of necessities, but then I came up with a bunch of items. Well, DON’T put all of them into your get home bag.

get home bag checklist

Take training if you’ve never had guns before or at least never shot before. I’d also recommend some tactical and hand-to-hand training so you can fight through all the hooligans on the way to pick up your kids and get em home safely. These items are necessities that you will most likely need when you face multiple obstacles.

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